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Anti-aging Research > Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
Specific Recommendations:
General Information:
Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) - M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
News & Research:
Red clover may counter depressive symptoms in older women - Nutra USA,
3/4/10 - "Symptoms of depression and anxiety were
reduced by about 80 per cent following 90 days of supplements containing 80
milligrams of red clover isoflavones" - [Abstract]
Lab Evidence Suggests Preventive Effect Of Herbal Supplement In Prostate
Cancer - Science Daily, 2/23/09 - "Combining
DHEA with transforming growth factor beta-1 increased testosterone
production in the stromal cells and prostate specific antigen protein
secretion two to four-fold and gene expression up to 50-fold in the cancer
cells. When these cell cultures were treated with red clover isoflavones,
the androgenic effects of DHEA were reversed"
Sizing Up Alternatives to Hormones - Intelihealth, 3/30/05 -
"Red clover leaf: Supplements Promensil and Rimostil
contain estrogens from this plant. Although it's rich in estrogens, it
appears to be no more effective than placebo in reducing hot flashes"
Red Clover May Prevent Bone Loss in Spine - WebMD, 4/16/04 -
"women who took a red clover-derived dietary
supplement containing substances called isoflavones (Promensil) experienced
significantly slower bone loss in the spine compared with women who took a
- Red Clover Isoflavone
Reduces Loss of Lumbar Spine Bone Density - Medscape, 2/11/04 -
"After one year, women receiving the isoflavone
supplement lost significantly less lumbar spine bone mineral content and
bone mineral density than those receiving placebo"
- New Study Questions
Effectiveness of Red Clover Extract for Hot Flashes - Healthwell
Exchange Daily News, 9/18/03
- Red Clover
Extract Helps Vaginal Dryness - WebMD, 7/9/03
Promensil, Rimostil, And Placebo Result In Similar Reductions In Hot Flashes
Frequency - Doctor's Guide, 7/9/03
- Herbal Remedies
Can Aid Prostate Health - WebMD, 2/4/03 -
"Not only is this believed to help inhibit prostate
and other cancer tumors, it could help treat BPH. A product commercially
sold as Trinovin (and whose manufacturer paid for Katz's study) has been
found in several trials to improve urine flow and decrease symptoms by as
much as 23%"
- Red Clover Extract
Reduces Hot Flashes in Menopausal Women - New Hope Natural Media,
Red Clover Can Help Hot Flashes - USA Today, 9/13/02 -
"The study found that 40 milligrams a day of
Promensil reduced
hot flashes by 48.5 percent, while a placebo
offered a 10.5 percent reduction" - See
Promensil at Amazon.com
- Red Clover May
Tame Hot Flashes - WebMD, 8/16/02 -
"Promensil is an isoflavone supplement produced from
red clover and contains the same key
isoflavones commonly found in soy foods. Isoflavones are plant compounds
-- found commonly in soy -- that act like weak form of the female sex
hormone estrogen ... Only red clover contains
all four isoflavones that women need ... 30 women were given either 40 mg of
Promensil or a placebo for 16 weeks. The group taking Promensil reported a
48% reduction in frequency of hot flashes,
whereas the control group had an 11% decrease" - See
Promensil at Amazon.com
Phytoestrogen review - ConsumerLab.com, 7/16/02
- Red Clover
Supplement Eases Monthly Breast Pain
- WebMD, 11/26/01 - "A supplement containing red
clover isoflavones reduced breast pain by 44% ... The red clover isoflavones
are believed to act as a weak estrogen, which reduces the amount of estrogen
produced in breast cells, thereby reducing pain ... 44% taking the 40 mg
treatment had relief, compared with 31% taking 80 mg and 13% taking placebo
... The supplement used in the study -- sold under the brand name Promensil
-- has been used in clinical trials involving more than 1,000 women"
- See
Promensil at Amazon.com
- Rimostil May Increase Bone
Density While Raising Good Cholesterol - Doctor's Guide, 9/27/99 -
"The second effect was on HDL cholesterol levels.
Falling HDL levels after menopause is one of the main reasons that older
women suffer heart disease and stroke. P-081 caused an average 28% rise in
HDL levels, essentially restoring their HDL levels to pre-menopausal levels"
- See
Promensil at Amazon.com
Isoflavones May Cut Menopausal Cardiovascular Risk - Nutrition Science
News, 7/99 -
"An important cardiovascular risk factor, artery
elasticity, which diminishes with menopause, was significantly improved with
red clover isoflavones"
Great Expectations: Hot Herbs in '99 - Nutrition Science News, 1/99
Antiproliferative Effect
of Trifolium Pratens L. Extract in Human Breast Cancer Cells - Nutr Cancer.
2018 Dec 29:1-13 - "Trifolium pratense L. has been suggested for cancer
treatment in traditional medicine. The effect of T. pratense extract on breast
cell lines (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) was investigated here ... T. pratense as a
dietary supplement can be beneficial for some patients with breast cancer who
receive conventional chemotherapy" - See
Trifolium pratense at Amazon.com.
Improvement of postmenopausal depressive and anxiety symptoms after treatment
with isoflavones derived from red clover extracts - Maturitas. 2010
Mar;65(3):258-61 - "assigned to receive two daily
capsules of MF11RCE (80mg red clover isoflavones, Group A) or placebo of equal
appearance (Group B) for a 90-day period ... After receiving the MF11RCE
compound the total HADS (anxiety and depression subscale scores also) and the
total SDS scores decreased significantly. This effect was equivalent to a 76.9%
reduction in the total HADS score (76% for anxiety and 78.3% for depression) and
an 80.6% reduction in the total SDS score. After placebo, total HADS (anxiety
and depression subscale also) and total SDS scores also decreased significantly
in comparison to baseline but only equivalent to an average 21.7% decline.
CONCLUSION: Red clover derived isoflavones (MF11RCE) were effective in reducing
depressive and anxiety symptoms among postmenopausal women"
Red clover
extract: a source for substances that activate peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor alpha and ameliorate the cytokine secretion profile of
lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages - Menopause. 2010 Feb 5 -
"In lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages, red
clover extract and its compounds reduced the secretion of proinflammatory
cytokines, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha, increased the
secretion of the anti-inflammatory interleukin-10, and/or reduced the expression
of nuclear factor-kappaB, inducible nitric oxide synthase, and/or cyclooxygenase
2. Tumor necrosis factor alpha production was most efficiently reduced by
biochanin A and genistein. Interleukin-6 levels were most efficiently reduced by
genistein and equol. CONCLUSIONS:: Owing to its PPARalpha activation and
modulation of the secreted cytokine profile, red clover extract is a putative
candidate for preventing atherosclerosis and, thus, cardiovascular disease"
Absorption of red clover isoflavones in human subjects: results from a pilot
study - Br J Nutr. 2010 Jan 13:1-4
Effects of One-Year Treatment with Isoflavone Extract from Red Clover on
Prostate, Liver Function, Sexual Function, and Quality of Life in Men with
Elevated PSA Levels and Negative Prostate Biopsy Findings - Urology.
2008 Feb;71(2):185-90 - "isoflavonoid extract from
red clover ... daily 60-mg dose of an isoflavone extract for 1 year ... The
average PSA level was 10.16 ng/mL at baseline versus 7.15 ng/mL after 12
months, for a statistically significant reduction of 33% ... The sexual
hormone levels did not change throughout the study. We registered a
significant increase in all three liver transaminases after 3 months"
The red clover (Trifolium pratense) isoflavone biochanin A inhibits
aromatase activity and expression - Br J Nutr. 2007 Aug 29;:1-8 -
"Biochanin A is an isoflavone isolated from red
clover (Trifolium pratense) ... Isoflavones resemble the structure of
oestrogen, and display agonistic and antagonistic interactions with the
oestrogen receptor. Overexposure of oestrogen is a major contributing factor
in the development of breast cancer ... In the present study the effect of
biochanin A on the gene regulation and enzyme activity of aromatase was
investigated. By assaying MCF-7 cells stably transfected with CYP19,
biochanin A inhibited aromatase activity and hampered cell growth
attributing to the enzyme activity"